“You Need You.”

by Lee Mims

Good Morning to You, Good Morning to Me, and Good Morning to We.

You need you. I repeat, you need you. A lot of times we think the job needs me, the family needs, me my friends need me, my co-workers hate me, my enemies need me because they’ll die if they don’t have nothing to talk about…. if they can’t talk about me. LOL.

Well guess what you forgot to mention yourself. This is not to say become self-centered and absorb all the good energy that comes around you, this is just a reminder to remember that you are the most important as it relates to survival and your personal happiness through people, perception, and preparation.

Have a wonderful day. Do not forget it is okay to say no, maybe later, and I do not think that is a good decision for me right now. Only you can make the best decisions for your inner peace and tranquility.